Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Happy Birthday, Oliver!

Eighteen years ago today God blessed us with a wonderful baby whom we named Oliver. He has brought so much laughter and happiness into our lives.

Oliver's latest interest is making ice cream with the farm's organic, raw milk using our small commercial ice cream machine. We are loving being his taste-testers.

Sullivan wrote this poem, assuming the position of Oliver's ice cream salesman:

"Who wants to try some green bean flavored ice cream?

It's the newest on the menu, and as yucky as it may seem,

This green bean flavored ice cream makes you as strong as the Hulk,

And it's weight loss food too, so you can take off some bulk.

But better than that, it's affordable too.

And with organic ingredients, it's so good for you.

It can make you by far the best kid in school,

And policemen eat it while enforcing the rule.

It must be the very best flavor ever created.

I know that is true, I myself ate it.

And don't you start saying my skin has turned green,

And that my head is the shape of a bean.

Wait a second … Ow! Go call the doctor!

I'll send my complaint to Oliver, this dessert's concocter,

I knew this job as a salesman wouldn't work out,

And green bean flavored ice cream is something we could all do without."

Oliver picked the Texas Roadhouse for his birthday meal.

We couldn't resist secretly telling our waitress that we were celebrating Oliver's birthday. He didn't share our excitement when all the wait-staff suddenly gathered around him, insisting he get on the saddle so they could wish him a big "Yeehaw Birthday!"

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

We had the best Thanksgiving ever as we were able to see so many in our extended family. We had our traditional delicious meal at my (Joy's) father and stepmother's.
4 Generations:Nana Joy, Meredith, Margaret, and Great Granddaddy Brickhouse

Stephen, Meredith, and Margaret all met us there, along with my mother who is so graciously invited by my stepmother and father to join us at their Thanksgiving celebration each year.
(What an example they are to so many with blended families. Rather than focus on the past, they look to the future and invite all the relatives who love the children and grandchildren to gather together and share in the happy Thanksgiving memories being made.)

Because Meredith and Stephen's visit would be short, we also drove to the other set of grandparents and chatted with them for a bit on Thanksgiving Day as well.

5 Generations:PaPa Alexander, Nannie, Meredith, Margaret, and Farmerdaddy

What a blessing Nannie (94) is to all who know her.

All the girls: Pat Pat, Sheridan, Nannie, Meredith, Margaret, and Joy

We loved spending time with this precious Hammer family!

Later during the holiday break we also enjoyed a visit from Tim's mom and dad, along with my (Joy's) mom and aunt.

Oma (Joy's mom) and Margaret

Nana (Joy's aunt) brought some toys for Sheridan that her children used to play with and she enjoyed helping Sheridan put one of the puzzles together.

This picture wasn't posed. I happened to walk into the room and saw these adoring uncles and a loving preschool aunt all immersed in the wonder of one little baby Margaret.

Stephen had to get back to work after Thanksgiving but we were blessed to enjoy an extended visit with Meredith and Maggie.
We have so much to be thankful for!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Fall Update

We heard Chipotle was selling burritos for $2 to anyone dressed like someone or something from a farm. We didn't have any trouble at all finding something to wear- the greater difficulty was looking a little LESS like something off the farm after rushing to the restaurant right after the evening milking.

Sheridan dressed as one of our farm's worst predators - a skunk.

The switch of bedrooms finally was completed after Meredith took all her bedroom furniture to their new home in Georgia. We decided to put the younger boys in what was the girls' bedroom and put Sheridan in the boys' smaller room. It's a perfect size for Sheridan.

I just love personalized things. The beach bag with Sheridan's name was the only splurge in her new room. Most everything else was found around the house or at thrift stores.
The younger boys' room has given them so much more space to spread out.
I can't seem to leave behind these old-looking, cotton flags when I see them in thrift stores so they're appearing all over the house and farm.
The personalized nautical boat rings were crafted easily after seeing how expensive real boat rings were online. I took a couple of green styrofoam floral rings and wrapped them in white duct tape accented with royal blue tape. The boys' ship names (S.S. Sullivan and S.S. Harrison) were handwritten on the white tape.

The bookshelves that Meredith originally created have been great for the boys' many books and Lego creations now that they've moved into the girls' old room.

Here we are working on a new family picture - a story for another day.
(Will it ever feel like a family picture when the grown and married ones are not in it?)

Friday, November 11, 2011

You're Invited

Our family would love to invite you to our farm's annual

"Day To Give Thanks For Udders"

Saturday, Nov 19, 2011

12 pm - 4pm

Farm Day Events


Yum! Come have lunch at the farm.


A captivating documentary about

food and the family farm.

A must see!

1:30pm in the Barn Loft


Visit the cows, pigs, chickens, and all the other

farm animals.


The kids can plant a seed and take it home to

nurture and grow.


While supplies last, all farm store customers can

take home a free HALF GALLON of fresh, raw milk.


Come see the 100 year old farmhouse that you helped us to restore and enjoy some hot cider in the

farmhouse kitchen.


Try your hand at milking a cow.


Bring a cooler to stock your freezer with grass-fed, pastured poultry, pork, and beef.


Let the kids pretend they're farmers at the tractor display.

We look forward to seeing you on

Saturday, November 19th!