Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving Day

We had a great Thanksgiving at our grandparents' house in eastern NC. Grandma Lou always prepares a delicious feast! Family visiting after the meal
Cousins playing ball outside
My 3 year old cousin, Dustin, asked me to take a picture of him like this... I don't know why. :)
Elliott and OliverSheridan and our cousin Lauren
Harrison and Sullivan wore their cowboy outfits for the day
Of course I (Meredith) didn't take any pictures of the group gathered in the family room because that would (heaven forbid!) possibly be considered a distraction to those watching the football game. ;)
One of the reasons that I like Thanksgiving is because it ushers in the holiday season, but I am not so enamored with the holiday season to brave the Black Friday crowds. There just isn't anything that I could possibly want badly enough to get out in that madness!
Instead, I spent most of today on the road with Daddy. We drove a couple hours north to buy a cow (our cows' milk production has been very low and we've been in need of more milk to fill our orders) and did the Charlottesville milk delivery afterwards. Holly is a healthy-looking 3.5 year old Jersey.
After the past two weekends being very busy with big events, I am looking forward to a laid-back weekend!

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