Thursday, July 14, 2011

Fun-Filled Weekend

Free Food at Chick-fil-A

We were excited to hear about the free Chick-fil-A day last Friday. If you dressed like a cow, you got a free meal.

As exciting as it sounded, I didn't figure that cow costume-making would fit into my day after taking the younger children for a play date at the lake with friends and then rushing home to put the first coat of paint on our newly sanded kitchen floor.

However, Tim and Oliver showed their hidden costume-creating talent as they gathered feed bags, spray paint, duct tape, and old clothes and outfitted the whole bunch of us. They even made a costume for Jason, our farm intern.

We didn't put too much pressure on Zach, our other intern, to dress for the occasion since he's a vegetarian but we enjoyed taking him along for ice cream and french fries.

A fun night and another adventure in the Alexander quest to find free food!

A Day at Polyface Farm

We were excited to be among the nearly 2000 people from all over the U.S. who attended Polyface Farm's big tour that is held only once every three years.

Joel Salatin
(The farmer we're all trying to copy!)

The kids loved seeing so many of their farming friends there. I can't describe the feeling of hope I have for this country when I'm around these outstanding young adults. They're the best.

Sheridan, like Meredith at the same age, loves making new friends everywhere she goes.

Sam, Lucy, and Sheridan

We came home from the farm day challenged, inspired, and encouraged. What a great day.

Family Economics Conference Reunion

On Sunday afternoon we hosted a fellowship for new friends we met at the Family Economics Conference in Raleigh last March.

What a wonderful afternoon spent under the shade trees, chatting with new friends, while all the children enjoyed swinging, roasting marshmallows, and making memories.

With a weekend this fun, our summer is off to a great start.
Ah - we can't wait to share the details of the wonderful and unexpected blessing the Lord has arranged for our family to make some incredible memories together...

Till then.....

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