2022 began with a beautiful snow day
that quickly melted into a cozy January.
Me (Sheridan... Hi! I'm co-writing the blog this year!) enjoying a cozy school day.
Harrison and I went to go see a very talented friend in his play,
"You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown."
Some of Allison's family and her best friend, Aria, came to visit
our church one Sunday.
We invited them to join us for our tradition of Sam's Club Sunday afternoon lunch afterwards.
Harrison and I went to a Valentine's barn dance together.
We met up with some friends and went to a trampoline park together.
Trampoline parks are so fun!
On my 15th birthday, my parents and I went to Short Pump Town Center (a beautiful, nearby mall) to get lunch. They had only mentioned it minutes earlier so I was completely shocked to see most of my family already at
a large table in Maggiano's waiting to surprise me.
Even Bethany's sister, Anna, had come into town from Georgia!
It was such a big surprise, especially for Anna to be there.
I have such a thoughtful family.
A "birthday kiss" from Henry.
It was very wet :[
Then Anna came to our church the next day.
Birthday Vlog - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjPavstPGO8
I enjoyed spending time with Allison's youngest sister, Carmen,
as we trekked along a creek on their farm.
And then we took some photos on a large rock they had near the creek. :)
Bethany gave me a part of her sourdough starter and I have been enjoying
using it to make breads.
We enjoyed a trip to San Antonio's Sea World with Meredith and the kids.
Before we
met up with them, we all had our own things going on.
Mom and Dad flew to Ft. Lauderdale to soak in some sun and good books before flying
to San Antonio.
I flew to Dallas to visit with Meredith, Stephen, and the kids for a little while
before we all drove to San Antonio. My flight to Dallas had a most-of-the-day layover in
Ft. Lauderdale, so Mom and Dad showed me their favorite
places to get yummy treats, and we cycled around the city on the electric bikes.
Harrison flew down a few days after me and we visited "The Porch,"
a young adult ministry in Dallas.
I've been listening to the recorded sermon podcast for several months now and enjoy it so much.
On the drive to San Antonio, we stopped in Waco to check out
"The Silo's," a creation of Chip and Joanna Gaines.
Then Mom and Dad met us in San Antonio
and we were all together for Sea World.
Our hotel had a great outdoor area where we cooked out one evening.
Fun hotel breakfast!
Texas Trip Vlog - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHkd-jZOFzo
I (Joy) was so proud of Sheridan for trying a new business venture, reselling bridal gowns. Here we are at Short Pump Town Center staging dresses for a photo shoot.
Timmy and I bought last minute tickets to the Casting Crowns and We The Kingdom concert in Charlottesville.
Mom and me at the church's Mother's Day photo booth!
For Mother's day, several of the kids got Mom special gifts, including this
fruit bouquet specially delivered to the house. This brought Mom to tears and she said
"It's like they all think I'm going to die," because in years past she hadn't
received such extravagant gifts.
This year, I (Sheridan) really began enjoying hosting friends at our house
and preparing meals. My specialty is Cracker Barrel-style fried apples with chicken pot pie and homemade bread.
Sullivan and Allison's Wedding
Timmy opted for the rafters when helping hang lights.
Allison's family farm, with its many well-maintained outbuildings, was perfect for hosting the rehearsal dinner from Maggiano's.
Oliver and Michelle are always so hospitable, and their house became the meeting and sleeping spot for those who came from out of town for the wedding.
What an indescribably beautiful day...
May 22, 2022.
*All professional photos taken by Fredericks Photo & Film
After the wedding, the four of us that are still at home
(Harrison calls us "People of the Beach House" because we live on Beach Road),
went to Florida to relax for a week.
We enjoyed some time at Sea World and its neighboring water park, Aquatica.
One of my (Sheridan's) favorite worship music groups, Maverick City Music,
happened to be on tour in Orlando, so Harrison and I went to their concert. I loved it!
Harrison was especially excited to see Kirk Franklin!
Dad is outgoing and got a group together to play volleyball in the pool.
The hotel had interesting things going on in the lobby:
cotton candy and a reptile that was passed around.
Florida Trip Vlog - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IPPPP2_g18
Soon after we returned from our relaxing break, it was time for
another mowing for Sullivan's Tractor Service.
I made some sourdough bread that we could snack on in the truck between
it look like it was brick. And it ended up looking fantastic!
dads to come on stage and play a game. Elliott got selected in one of the services
with popcorn and all kinds of treats.
Dad wasn't feeling so well at the restaurant. By the next day, he realized he was taking his long-awaited turn with Covid. The following day Mom joined him. A couple of days in bed and several re-watched movies later, they were back to normal.
William had a fun "Under the Sea" themed birthday party.
Mom and Dad made their way to Florida before everyone else came for a fun family vacation.
Then, for the first week of vacation, all of my siblings who have children
dropped them off with Harrison, Mom, Dad and me for the "Cousin Vacation" while
the parents all had a week to go on their own trips without kids.
The older cousins love taking care of their baby cousins.
Cousin Vacation Vlog Pt. 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmUXBca_xoo&t=232s
Then, after a week of fun for the kids and relaxing for the parents, everyone
met at a new Florida resort (that was in view of Disney!) and we enjoyed
the next week all together.
Elliott and Bethany were there to help him get over his fear, we all loved
watching him enjoy the water more.

*Us presenting it to the rest of the family in a very non-dramatic way*
One of my favorite nights was when I, along with all my siblings (with the exception of

Cousin Vacation Vlog Pt. 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q25LsXTXhYA
We all had a big work night at Elliott and Bethany's new home here in Virginia.
We're so blessed to have a professional artist in the family now😉.
Bethany and I used team effort and made this sourdough bread!
Sullivan, Allison & Stephen, who all sadly couldn't make it due to work schedules),
went to Disney Springs to walk around.
I always really enjoy getting to spend time with my older siblings. All together
we make quite the group-- some of us have very similar personalities and some are very different.
There's the jokesters who are constantly looking for opportunities to make everyone laugh,
there's the contrarians, who seem to always want to let people know how *they*
feel about a certain thing. There's the more logical siblings, who laugh at jokes when they're made but
usually aren't the ones making them, and usually aren't the first people to jump on a crazy idea. And then there's the crazy, spontaneous ones who are always doing, thinking, and saying random things that make others laugh, but also usually end up putting their foot in their mouth. (That's me!😉) But all together we all really enjoy each other's company (as far as I know!👀).
I wouldn't trade my family for any other family in the world.
The little boy on the far left sat with us, and eventually even began posing,
when we were getting a family photo taken.
He just sat there, even as his parents urged him to move, and we all loved it. 😂
Our family loves ice cream a little bit too much, I think.
It brings us so much joy!
We were so blessed to get to go on this fun trip!
Thank you, Mom and Dad, for providing
this incredible trip for everyone!
Allison was willing to do whatever it took to do a good job cutting in
as she painted at Elliott and Bethany's.
I (Sheridan) got my learners permit!
Sheridan helped with Margaret's 11th birthday party.

Since Sheridan was around 8, she dreamed of one day helping lead worship at our church. She was absolutely thrilled when she was asked to participate in the choir at a Night of Worship.
Mom rewarded me for passing the test with a Sonic milkshake!!
I (Joy) love meeting up with my dad at "his" booth at Mission BBQ in Chesapeake,
where his police officer and Army pictures are proudly displayed.
where our kids are old enough for us to enjoy a girls' trip with our mom.
I (Joy) was so excited for Sheridan as she launched a business that was recommended by Meredith. Sheridan "pumpkin-spiced" porches all throughout our area for the fall.
We enjoyed having season passes to Busch Gardens this year!
It was really fun to go as a group a few times.
She had a wonderful first year and her customers absolutely loved the porch displays.
While it was still warm outside, Harrison and I went with some friends to VA Beach
for an afternoon of fun! Our friend group has become Allison's siblings
and Chessie, who married Allison's brother. Since we are all kinda related and farmers,
we all seem to get along really well. We've been blessed to enjoy their friendships this year!
OCTOBERSheridan went to Dallas to visit with Meredith and her crew.
Meredith was delighted that Sheridan "pumpkin-spiced" her porch while she was visiting.
Sheridan helped with Margaret's 11th birthday party.
Margaret found a way to join in the fun even though she had recently broken her arm.
Timmy and I (Joy) created flower beds and laid sod. I have no idea why we chose to do this overwhelming project while Harrison and Sheridan weren't around to help us.
We'll know better if there's ever a next time.
My (Joy's) mailbox renovation project.
The entire renovation project of our house is coastal-themed based on our street's name: "Beach Road."
I joke that my dream has come true and I'm finally living on the beach road
(although the beach is really more than 2 hours away).
Here she is at her first practice.
Sheridan helping at Night of Worship
Sheridan was delighted to have the opportunity to "pumpkin spice" Maggiano's,
Sweet baby Jonas is growing so fast. While the leaves were changing and fall had arrived, Harrison and I (Sheridan) went with our friends
to High Bridge Park, where we walked around and enjoyed God's beautiful creation.
Just before she left for a trip to Japan, we had a going away party for Anna,
who now lives nearby with Elliott and Bethany.
Sullivan affectionately called it "Japanna Day."
He has got to be the most smiley baby ever.
is so sweet! Allison is so good with kids. We are so blessed to have her!
Over Thanksgiving, our cousin Tucker came and spent some time with us.
Harrison and I really enjoyed hanging out with him.
It's Harrison's third year lighting up houses for the Christmas season.
we had to add a caption.

I was so, so blessed when I came home one day and saw that Harrison and Sheridan had surprised me by lighting up our house for Christmas.

I (Joy) had to snap a picture of Harrison who thoughtfully covered his work boots
As we conclude another year, Timmy and I (Joy) are more aware than ever how precious this life is and how blessed we are to have our family. As many mistakes as we made, and as understandable as it would be for them to choose differently, our kids are journeying alongside us through life as our friends. We are so grateful to God.
Harrison also had an opportunity with Maggiano's
and he lit them up beautifully for the holiday season.
Bethany and Allison impressed everyone by making this wreath from some clippings from trees
in Michelle and Oliver's back yard. Here Bethany is showing off her pregnant belly and the wreath.
Harrison, Anna, and I all went to a ball around Christmastime and we all enjoyed it. I convincedHarrison to buy this shirt that would match my dress.😊 He was hesitant, but eventually he did!
(Hehe... I look really awkward in these pictures)

so they wouldn't track mud throughout the house.
(He says it takes a long time to lace them up, otherwise.)
We love everything about our church, but a highlight of the year is the Christmas Eve Services.
Sheridan helped light the candles this year.
After the Christmas Eve Service
After Anna and I dropped off Sumayyah at the airport, our parking ticket slipped off her dash and got lost in between Anna's car dash, windshield, and engine!
A few days after Christmas, Bethany, Anna, Sumayyah (a friend of Anna's), and I
all went to the mall and had fun looking around.
It took us over 30 minutes to get it out, and we ended up having to pay for our parking since we had been there over an hour finding it!