What a great day we had celebrating Harrison's 10th birthday Thursday, June 23rd. We enjoyed a long visit in the toy store, while Harrison spent his birthday money, then headed to a newly opened steak restaurant in our area.
Harrison didn't know what else to do except comply as the restaurant's wait staff suddenly gathered around him and told him to sit on the saddle that seemed to appear from nowhere. We all cheered in excitement as they shouted to the restaurant patrons that Harrison was turning 10 and they requested that everyone give him a big "YEEHAW!" What fun!

A family tradition that the kids never let us forget is the retelling of the birth story as each child celebrates his or her birthday.
One memorable part of Harrison's birth story is when I realized (late at night and very anxiously) that I was farther along in the labor than I thought and I feared I'd deliver at home unexpectedly.
As Timmy talked with the midwife on the phone, she suggested he call an ambulance to transport me to the nearest hospital instead of the birthing center I had chosen. When Timmy hung up, I insisted he not call an ambulance but instead drive me quickly to the hospital himself. Although reluctant to disregard the midwife's instructions, he agreed to drive me but said we needed to leave immediately.
He took my hand and started leading me to the door but since it was late at night I only had on one of Timmy's big t-shirts instead of pajamas. I told him he needed to go upstairs and get me my skirt from church earlier that day to which he replied, "Don't be proud! Go like you are!"
This is when the vicious laboring mom appeared and I said, "You go upstairs and get my skirt! I am NOT going to the hospital in a t-shirt and underwear!!"
I'm surprised that I recall a sense of fashion contentment as I got in the truck wearing a man's over-sized t-shirt and a bright green floral skirt with bare feet.
I remember a very rough and speedy drive to the hospital, the receptionist in the ER who tried unsuccessfully to make me fill out paperwork between contractions, and the labor and delivery nurse who asked me to lie flat on my back to be checked for progress.
I wasn't able to extend the same firm but courteous response I gave to the ER receptionist and I ended up getting uncharacteristically loud and grouchy with the L&D nurse. Another of our funny memories was of the nurse and me in a battle of wills and Timmy saying, in an effort to diffuse the raging tempers, "We're all friends here. We're all friends!"
Harrison was born within 15 minutes of my arrival at the hospital. He was our biggest baby at 10 pounds, 3 ounces. We were home in time for lunch and were greeted by four happy siblings including an almost 2 year old big brother who excitedly announced, "A baby! A baby!"
What a gift our Harrison Spencer has been to us. We are so blessed to have had the joy of living with this precious boy for 10 years! Happy birthday, sweet Harrison. We love you so much!