Yesterday was "Day One" in the restoration process of our "new" farmhouse. We worked hard, however, it wasn't very
visible progress. The following picture is the back porch/sunroom. Oliver took off the awnings to let in extra sunlight (and because the awnings were quite outdated!):

From the back porch you enter the kitchen:

Sulli on the countertop peeling off old wallpaper:

The laundry room is accessed from the kitchen:

I (Meredith) worked on unscrewing the many curtain rod brackets over the windows. I was on the washing machine in this picture, and on top of some windows were 3 different places where folks have added curtain rod brackets over the past 100 years!:

The bathroom is off of the laundry room. The
only bathroom!

The dining room is very large. Daddy is building two closets along one wall because the house lacks closets and storage areas (two of the bedrooms don't have closets!).

Daddy and Elliott began tearing up the layers of flooring to get down to the wood floors, which we're having sanded. Wood floors are most practical in our homes because our floors get a lot of use from a lot of muddy boots!

The family room:

There is a huge kerosene heater in the family room. It is quite unsightly, so we would love any creative ideas anyone may have of how to cleverly disguise it (it takes up an entire corner of the family room!).

Elliott ripping out trim where they were building a closet:

The master bedroom is on the first floor:

Hallway leading to the master bedroom (the door on the right), a second entrance door, and the stairs leading to the remaining three bedrooms:

I like the little balcony area on the second floor! We are thinking about building bookshelves and a window seat for a little library.

Of course all carpet is coming up and we are painting all the walls! This will eventually be Sulli and Harrison's bedroom:

We have lived in three bedroom houses for a very long time, so the four boys are looking forward to sharing each of their bedrooms with only one brother instead of three. Sheridan took her afternoon nap in what will eventually be Elliott and Oliver's bedroom:

The following is going to be the bedroom shared by Sheridan and me! I am looking forward to sharing a room with my sweet sister. I had just finished tearing off the wallpaper in this room when I took the following picture:

I love this little area and hope to turn it into a sewing corner!

Harrison worked hard hauling 2x4's for the closet construction to the house:

Harrison taking a break at the end of the work day:

Sulli dropped some lumber on his toe, causing it to immediately turn purple! He was put on "light-duty" and took a break to read on the front porch:

Some pictures of the fields:

There is also a pond on the property:

More views of the exterior:

Oliver and Elliott taking off awnings:

The view from the road:

We are moving to the house in just 3 weeks! We have so much to do over the next few weeks. I'm already greatly looking forward to being settled in and sharing the "After" pictures!